Health Issues Common In Women

Health Issues Common In Women

Stay-At-Home Parents: Keep Your Cardiovascular System Healthy, Strong, And Functional

by admin

If you're a busy stay-at-home parent who works hard to keep your young children healthy, you might neglect some essential parts of your life in the process, including the health of your heart. If you skip meals or don't take time to exercise several times a week, you may be at risk cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease can develop slowly and silently, so you won't know it's affecting you until it's too late. Protect your heart and other cardiovascular tissues with the essential information below.

How Can Cardiovascular Disease Occur Without Notice?

Coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases can place great strain on your heart and the arteries, veins, and capillaries that support it. Many of these conditions can go undetected until they've caused permanent damage to your cardiovascular system.

For instance, atherosclerosis typically develops when cholesterol, fat, and other solid substances harden inside your arteries. The blockages prevent blood from passing through your vessels. Because atherosclerosis can take years to develop, it can be difficult to detect without medical intervention.

There are things you might do during the day to reduce your risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including eating healthier and scheduling health checks with a personal physician.

How Do You Protect Your Cardiovascular System?

If you have toddlers or preschoolers at home, you may spend most of your days taking care of your children's needs instead of yours. But as a busy parent, it's essential that you eat properly during the day, including at snack time.

Instead of munching on sandwiches or chips, opt for fresh fruit and vegetables, such as carrots and blueberries. These foods contain heart-healthy nutrients like vitamin C and fiber. If time permits, prepare your items the night before and store them in sealed sandwich bags for the next day. 

Also, see a personal doctor, like those represented at, for a checkup. Many OB/GYN doctors offer well-care exams to their female patients. The exams give you a chance to discuss any concerns you might have about your heart and how to keep it healthy. A doctor may be able to perform a preliminary exam of your heart to see if you're at risk for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other heart diseases. If a practitioner does find something out of the ordinary, they can move forward in your treatment.

If you need additional information about your heart and how to protect it from disease, contact a personal physician for an appointment.


About Me

Health Issues Common In Women

My name is Shawna Banks and this is a blog that focuses on health issues that affect women. I became interested in women's health when my sister began having medical problems. After her condition worsened, she went to see a doctor. After her diagnosis and successful treatment, I helped her research the different kinds of health conditions that are common in women. By becoming knowledgeable about these types of problems, we can keep ourselves healthier. I hope that when you read this blog, it will help you to identify symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. If necessary, you can schedule an appointment with your physician as soon as possible.
