If you're thinking about having rhinoplasty to enhance your appearance or improve your breathing, it helps to be informed about what to expect before and after the procedure so you can be prepared. Rhinoplasty is major surgery that requires a few weeks recovery time, and being prepared for your recovery can also help you avoid unnecessary complications. Here are some things you should know about having this type of surgery.
Changes Are Gradual
Your nose won't be instantly transformed by the surgery. The operation causes your nose to swell, and this affects its appearance. While much of the swelling goes away in a few weeks, it could be months before your nose has completely recovered and the final shape of your nose is apparent. Therefore, be prepared to be patient. While you may notice a dramatic change right away, don't expect the final results to be immediate, or you may be disappointed.
Insurance May Cover Rhinoplasty
If you want the surgery purely for cosmetic reasons, then you'll have to pay for it out of pocket. However, if your nose has an unusual shape that interferes with normal breathing or causes you to have frequent sinus problems, then insurance may cover the cost. In order for insurance to cover your surgery, your doctor has to determine that it is a medical necessity because of the complications you experience due to the problems with your nose.
Time Off From Work Is Needed
Right after your surgery, you will have significant swelling and bruising on your nose, and it will probably be in a splint. You have to be very protective of your nose during this time, so excess bleeding doesn't occur. You'll need to take off time from work to recover. The length of time you need depends on the type of job you do. After a couple of weeks, you may still have bruising and swelling, but you should be able to cover it with makeup well enough to go back to work. However, if your job requires you to bend over frequently or lift heavy objects all day, then you may need to take off longer than that. Bending and lifting put pressure on your nose that may cause bleeding to occur, so you need to avoid strenuous activities until your doctor clears you to resume your normal routine.
Supplements And OTC Medications Should Be Approved
When you talk to your doctor about having rhinoplasty surgery, be sure to let him or her know about all the over-the-counter medications and supplements you take. You may need to stop taking some of them a few weeks prior to your surgery, and you may need to stay off them until the risk of post op bleeding has passed. Some herbs and drugs thin your blood and increase your risk of bleeding. Others may interact with the medications you need to take after the surgery. For that reason, you don't want to take anything during your recovery period that hasn't been cleared with your doctor.
Lifestyle Changes Are Necessary While You Recover
When you recover from rhinoplasty, you need to focus on preventing unnecessary bleeding and damage to your nose. You'll need to sleep with your head elevated and avoid picking at any scabs that form in your nose. In addition to avoiding strenuous activities, you'll also need to stay away from crowds or boisterous kids and pets to avoid getting your nose bumped. Your doctor may also want you to stay out of the sun and stop smoking. You might need to eat a soft diet until you can chew without experiencing discomfort.
Fortunately, most of the healing from the surgery occurs during the first several days, so while it may take several months to see the final results of your newly sculpted nose, you shouldn't have to deal with discomfort for too long. If your nose has always bothered you because of the way it looks or because it makes it difficult to breathe through your nose, the inconvenience you experience while you recover will probably be worthwhile once you see the results of your surgery.
For more information, contact your surgeon (like William M. Parell, MD, PSC).
My name is Shawna Banks and this is a blog that focuses on health issues that affect women. I became interested in women's health when my sister began having medical problems. After her condition worsened, she went to see a doctor. After her diagnosis and successful treatment, I helped her research the different kinds of health conditions that are common in women. By becoming knowledgeable about these types of problems, we can keep ourselves healthier. I hope that when you read this blog, it will help you to identify symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. If necessary, you can schedule an appointment with your physician as soon as possible.